In Defense of Dan and Seth
Some debates in life are doomed to remain forever unresolved. What exactly is the meaning of life? (4.) Is it ever acceptable to mix brown and black? (Not unless you are a jungle cat.) Who actually did steal the cookie from the cookie jar? (Me.) Can you lick your elbow? (Oh yes.) There are, however, some questions in life that through time and careful consideration can, in fact, be answered thoroughly and efficiently. Where exactly is the G-spot? Did David Carradine commit suicide? Is it acceptable to wear light colors to a funeral? What were the B52's smoking? The question I am here to answer, however is not among those just listed. The answer is not, in fact, right behind the belly button, or yes unless you're incredibly naive, or yes as long as you pair the bright article of clothing with black, or what weren't they smoking. The question is: Who IS the perfect man? The answer is clear, and it comes in two forms, with two lovely illustrations. Which I happen to have foun...