Mexico: It Really Is Another Country, I Promise.
Tradition drives my family in the strangest ways. One Thanksgiving, when I was about nine or ten, The John Lennon Collection happened to be playing the song 'Cold Turkey' on the stereo. I was cute and naive, and thought the song was wonderfully appropriate for the holiday. Every year my family and I still listen to that CD, pretending that song is about our lovely Tofurkey as opposed to the horrors of heroin withdrawal. Charming. Yet another tradition in our family, albeit a less unique one, is our two week August family vacation. This vacation has varied greatly throughout the years, from Scotland to Florida, sometimes with my entire family, sometimes just myself and my parents. Something always goes horribly wrong, but we always have a great (or at least memorable and entertaining (looking back on it years later)) time. This year, my mother decided very early on that we needed a family reunion. Reunion here is defined as meeting and spending a week with a bunch of people I h...