
Showing posts from May, 2010

We All Know What "Vegetation Management" Means

Your second summer of college (especially if you go to a school of overachievers) generally carries with it an implication of travel. Some go to foreign countries to take classes at exotic universities. Some go to big cities for internships. Still others go to places of need to spend their summers doing humanitarian work. I went about twenty minutes away from my house for the summer. In all fairness, I do live in a pretty amazing place. The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is home to a huge amount of diversity, with lots of species found nowhere else on Earth, more rainfall than anywhere else in the country outside of Mt. Olympus in Washington, blah blah blah I'm the child of a trail guide and can't turn it off . So for my internship I decided to spend the summer living in Park housing at Sugarlands, the area of the Park closest to my hometown. (Not that I wouldn't have gone elsewhere in the Park, it just happens to be where I ended up.) When I say close to my hometown...