That Awkward Time Between Christmas and New Year
After leaving Las Vegas , we began the drive to Middle of Nowhere, Utah. My two cousins and aunt and uncle all live in LA, and we all decided to meet up this year to make merry in a remote cabin near Zion National Park. Despite my mother's promise that the drive from Las Vegas to Zion was only about two hours, we ended up taking four to complete the trip, with exactly two stops in between. Before heading out, however, we had determined that we needed to make a shopping trip for the week, because we were driving up on Christmas Day (when NOTHING is open, be it run by Christians or dirty heathens), and grocery stores around Zion are few and far between. Due to Utah's Prohibition-esque liquor laws (nothing over 3.2% alcohol content can be sold anywhere except in state or Native American run liquor stores. That's wine coolers and light beers, folks), we decided we needed to stock up on alcohol as well. Now, far be it from me to say that my family is full of lushes, but we cer...