Being Worth Less Doesn't Make You Worthless
Unemployment is the new black. Forget about your college friends who went into a really specific field like finance, medicine, or law. Forget about your friends whose families have awesome connections, or the money to let them do unpaid internships after graduation in the hopes that they'll turn into paying jobs. Look at the History, English, Psych, Anthro, Poly Sci, Journalism, or even Engineering majors who aren't going to grad school and don't have those professional connections, and chances are they're probably either looking for work or doing something as a backup until their work falls into place. Yeah, post-graduation teaching programs, I'm looking at you. I seriously considered doing one of two teaching programs in New York after graduation for all the wrong reasons. It was a noble cause. It was a paying job. It would give me a Master's degree. I'd probably be good at it. Never mind that I had never intended to be a t...