It Happened To Me And I Did Everything Right, Right?
Title IX. The DKE incident. Patrick Witt. Rape culture. Hookup culture. Sex Week versus True Love Week. Just Say No (To Awful Sex). No matter the venue, no matter the cause, we love to talk about Yale’s sexual culture. We repost the articles we love, we criticize the articles we hate. We get offended. We argue. We ruin dinner with our overheated debates. Those who refuse to take part in Yale’s sex culture are often not above passing judgment on those who do, which in turn offends the sexually active, whose activities range from loving and committed to fun and casual (and possibly regretful). Regardless of our level of sexual activity, though, we all generally agree that sex should be between consenting adults who have all manner of control over their own situation (whatever their own definition of that may be). Rape is a terrible, ugly thing, and none of us want that for our fellow friends, loved ones, or classmates. The issues of consent and proper signaling, however, a...