Woman, Without Her Man, Is Nothing? Or Woman! Without Her, Man Is Nothing?
The word “feminism” seems like it’s always had trouble defining itself. Proud, Helen Reddy types were ready to be Woman and sound their roars all through the late sixties and seventies (I know this because I did a 60’s show in my high school chorus and we had to sing “I Am Woman Hear Me Roar” while throwing our bras into a coffin and burying them. I feel that this makes me an expert.), and the long, hard backlash against stay-at-home motherhood continued as the 80’s and 90’s boomed with more and more career women. Today, the trend of The Powerful Woman has continued and permeated our culture in a staggering amount of ways, from the massive volume of up-and-coming leading women in generally male-dominated movie and TV categories (Bridesmaids, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, Alias, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, anything Angelina Jolie has ever done…) to the insanely popular female music scene (Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry) to the firm presence of women in politics (Pel...