Four Romantic Pop Culture Moments That Are Actually Horrible
Chances are that if you're reading this it's because you're taking the bribe I offered to get you to read my far less exciting blog on the Parents And Colleges website. Hi! Don't feel guilty. That's what adulthood is all about. I'd also like to apologize in advance for the weird spacing. Blogspot is having a fit right now over formatting. I'm doing the best I can. As you probably know, I'm a huge admirer of the Cracked website , possibly even to a fault. I get most of my new information AND most of my laughs in the same tell me who's winning, Reddit posters. You tell me. Anyway, as a nod to my favorite website, I've decided to pay tribute to them by stealing their format to write about something that's been driving me absolutely nuts lately-romantic moments in songs, movies, and commercials that are actually horrible when you stop to pay attention (good to see my on-topic titling skills are top-notch, isn't i...