It's Okay To Be Okay.
I hate inspirational quotes. Yeah, I said it. It’s not the quotes themselves, or even the speaker (most of the time) that draws my vitriol. It’s the feeling that we live in a world of constant, even aggressive inspiration. Upworthy videos inspire us to be more caring and to have more faith in our fellow man. Class speakers inspire us to be great people with lofty goals. Instagram inspires us to… go out and spend more money on pretty food or something. (I don’t really get Instagram.) Snapchat inspires us to be careful about all those nudes we’ve been sending out. You get the idea. But there’s a downside to all of this inspiration, these constant reminders of the whimsicality and endless possibilities created by the world around us: there’s a lot of freaking pressure for things to be great. And it’s exhausting. I think part of all of this relentless inspiration is driven by the feeling that...