On Blogging

I dislike the word "Blog." To me, it conjures up visions of...bogs. With frogs. Violent frogs that flog. Needless to say, this visual image is off-putting at the least, and downright disturbing at the most.
I've also always thought of bloggers as self important, free trade coffee drinking hipsters with loudmouthed notions of fairness and bohemian lifestyles, as they blog on their expensive Mac Books, with their BlackBerry on the right, Urban Outfitters bag on the left, and Ray-Bans perched atop their carefully disheveled hairstyles, while Vampire Weekend plays in the background. What a shame that being sympathetic to the starving artist is so expensive! To me, hipster culture is a grotesque farce, mocking poverty and proletariat ideals with four dollar lattes and "homeless couture." My God, even the keffiyah, worn as a symbol of various Middle Eastern heritages, is used as a FASHION STATEMENT. What is wrong with you people???

*Deep Breath* But I digress. It's true that dissecting and mocking hipster culture is an easy and cheap shot to take, but my rant has hopefully helped to illustrate my major hesitation and distaste concerning the world of blogs. However, I find myself drawn to the thought of an outlet more private than Facebook, but less cumbersome than a diary. Part therapy, part entertainment, and part ones and zeroes, maybe this blog won't tack on too many pretension points to my record.

But I'm writing on a PC. And I don't drink coffee. Deal with it.


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